Saturday, December 13, 2014


New from Energie Footwear

 ..::Energie::.. Beata Boots Beige 

If any of you who look at ma post are a designer,pls read a part below ty ♥

Santa Designers was created with the spirit of giving in mind,  The meaning of Christmas and sharing, it is in no way a freebie event! Just that we give something nice to the people who can't afford to buy nice things. We want to gives gifts! No money, no obligations, Just giving and sharing with others.

Last years event, held at Energy Club was a huge success, so this year we're organizing again, and we'd love to have your brand! If you are a designer & interested in giving this year please get in contact with us!!

Look forward to hearing from you & wish you happy holidays!

Lady Avalira & Allegra Quartz

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